PRICES for Residential Services

Dogs                   One Pickup Per Week

1                          $11.50

2                          $16.50

3                          $21.50

4 or More             Call us!                         

Giant Breeds or dogs over 100 pounds: Add $1.00 per dog

Initial Pickups:  Minimum of $20.00 for the first 5-gallon bucket, and $15.00 per each additional 5-gallon bucket, when signing up for Weekly Service.

One-Time Pickups: Minimum of $25.00 per 5-gallon bucket and $15.00 per each additional 5-gallon bucket (for non-weekly clients).

Commercial or Multiple Residential Complexes: Call for an appointment and a free estimate.


DISCOUNT RATES (Residential Only)

In order to assist you, we are happy to offer the following discount rates for

Seniors, the Disabled and members of our Military:

Dogs                    One Pickup Per Week

1                          $9.50

2                          $14.50

3                          $19.50

4 or More             Call us!




Automatic credit/debit card payment is our preferred method of payment, and we accept all major credit cards. You may set up automatic payments, e-statements with online payment link, or paper statements. There is no additional fee for your credit/debit card payment. You may choose monthly or quarterly billing. Checks and cash are also accepted. We bill at the end of the month for the month ahead. Your prompt payment is greatly appreciated and helps us to keep costs down. Payment for Initial and One-Time Pickups is expected at the time of service.



We want you to love Poop Van Scoop, but of course you may cancel your service upon telephoned, emailed or written notice. We appreciate cancellations at the end of the billing period/month if possible. If otherwise, please let us know.